

ES 32.00 (AWS A5.1 E 6013)

ES 32.00 (AWS A5.1 E 6013)

• General Fabrication. • Suitable for butt and fillet welding of thin plates. • Good restriking etc.

ES 32.04 (E 42 0 RC 13)

ES 32.04 (E 42 0 RC 13)

ES 32.04 is medium coated general purpose mild steel electrode

ES 45.00 (AWS A5.1 E7018)

ES 45.00 (AWS A5.1 E7018)

A reliable, general purpose, LMA electrode for mild and low-alloy steels.

ES 7015 (AWS A5.1 E7015)

ES 7015 (AWS A5.1 E7015)

ES 7015 is a carbon steel electrode with low-hydrogen sodium type coating.

ES 7016 (AWS A5.1 E7016)

ES 7016 (AWS A5.1 E7016)

A low-hydrogen electrode with excellent running characteristics and very good mechanical properties.

ES 47.00 (AWS A5.1 E7016-1)

ES 47.00 (AWS A5.1 E7016-1)

ES 47.00 is an extra-high quality LMA electrode, particularly suitable for on-site welding.

ES 55.00 (AWS A5.1 E7018-1)

ES 55.00 (AWS A5.1 E7018-1)

ES 55.00 is a reliable, high-quality, LMA electrode, particularly suitable for welding high strength low-alloy steels.

ES 7024 (AWS A5.1 E7024)

ES 7024 (AWS A5.1 E7024)

High-recovery rutile electrode for the high productivity welding of fillets in the horizontal-verti-cal position.

ES 7028 (AWS A5.1 E7028)

ES 7028 (AWS A5.1 E7028)

ES 7028 is a high-recovery, iron powder, LMA electrode, which gives extremely smooth fil lets of equal leg length and very low emis

ES 6010 (AWS A5.1 E6010)

ES 6010 (AWS A5.1 E6010)

Cellulosic-coated electrode designed for the welding of pipes and pipelines in all positions

ES 47.00 (A5.1 E7016-1)

ES 47.00 (A5.1 E7016-1)

ES 47.00 is an extra-high quality LMA electrode, particularly suitable for on-site welding.

ES 55.00 (AWS A5.1 E7018-1)

ES 55.00 (AWS A5.1 E7018-1)

ES 55.00 is a reliable, high-quality, LMA electrode, particularly suitable for welding high strength low-alloy steels.

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